First off, thanks a ton for following my profile and keeping up on my art! It feels greeat to know that a bunch of random people on the internet enjoy my art despite it being far from perfect. The amount of inspiration I take from your guys' reception makes me feel great, and I cannot thank you enough for following my account. I'm currently working on a few big projects at the moment so I may slow down with art for a bit, but when I do post, I promise that I will put out some quality stuff. That being said, let's talk bout it.
I want to thank everyone who submitted art to include in my entry for Pico Day 2021! I'm a huge fan of the result, and it is probably one of my favorite pieces of art! If you haven't seen it I suggest you check it out Right Here, and make sure to check out all the artists who worked on it as well!
If you don't know, Pick It Up is an upcoming animated passion project of mine. While I'm uncertain when it will come out, I know that I will at least be putting out 2 animations. The first Is currently in full production, being animated soley by myself. The animation will be about 3 minutes long and it will focus on the main character of Pick It Up: Eli. While I cannot share the full details on this project, I can say that I am very proud of what I have created so far.
The second animation will actually start focusing on the plot of the series, being a true "Episode 1" of Pick It Up. I'm still tweaking the story of it, and the animation will not be out for several months. I cannot share anything about this aside from saying that I'm pretty sure you will enjoy it.
Other Movies
Animation for a short involving Eli, which I scrapped due to low quality.
Aside from the large animation projects such as Pick It Up, I would like to work on some smaller animation projects such as something for Madness Day, or short little animations just for fun. Enjoyment is at the forefront of all my animations; If I'm not enjoying it, you wont enjoy watching it! Therefore I won't be pushing myself to death over ny of my animations, I will just be doing it for myself.
Aside from my main focus, animation, I will still be working on digital pieces, also just for fun. I want to get better at doing diffrent styles aside from my "polygonal" art style, which can be seen in some of my newer art such as my Tricky the Clown art.
Personal Life
Currently, I'm on my final week of high school, and I will be graduating a year early. On top of that I am going to be moving to Tennessee in the middle of June with the rest of my family. As I am doing this, I will not have much time for art as I will be extremely busy during this time. Despite my lack of free time, I will still atempt to put out some art every once in a while.
Final Thoughts
Once again I want to thank everyone following me for being so supportive of the art I put out, and I hope that you are all excited for my upcoming projects! Have a great day and I hope you stay tuned!
Fan Art Spotlight
Wonderful art of Eli, done by @gooberthed